This is a simple yet powerful subscription app that will allow you to customize it to your needs.
- Subscribe: Integrate with Redis db to store the subscription status
- Broadcast: Integrate with Cron to send the subscription message every day
Check out the repository for the full code.
one-to-one/ # Your project's root directory.
├── src/
│ ├── index.ts # Conversational logic
│ └── lib/
│ └── redis.ts # Redis middleware
│ └── cron.ts # Cron middleware
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── .env
Main code
With a simple conversational logic, steps and if statements create powerful subscription experiences:
import { getRedisClient } from "./lib/redis.js";
import { run, HandlerContext } from "@xmtp/message-kit";
import { startCron } from "./lib/cron.js";
//Tracks conversation steps
const inMemoryCacheStep = new Map<string, number>();
//List of words to stop or unsubscribe.
const stopWords = ["stop", "unsubscribe", "cancel", "list"];
const redisClient = await getRedisClient();
run(async (context: HandlerContext) => {
const {
message: {
content: { content: text },
} = context;
if (typeId !== "text") {
/* If the input is not text do nothing */
const lowerContent = text?.toLowerCase();
//Handles unsubscribe and resets step
if (stopWords.some((word) => lowerContent.includes(word))) {
inMemoryCacheStep.set(sender.address, 0);
await redisClient.del(sender.address);
await context.send(
"You are now unsubscribed. You will no longer receive updates!.",
const cacheStep = inMemoryCacheStep.get(sender.address) || 0;
let message = "";
if (cacheStep === 0) {
message = "Welcome! Choose an option:\n1. Info\n2. Subscribe";
// Move to the next step
inMemoryCacheStep.set(sender.address, cacheStep + 1);
} else if (cacheStep === 1) {
if (text === "1") {
message = "Here is the info.";
} else if (text === "2") {
await redisClient.set(sender.address, "subscribed"); //test
message =
"You are now subscribed. You will receive updates.\n\ntype 'stop' to unsubscribe";
//reset the app to the initial step
inMemoryCacheStep.set(sender.address, 0);
} else {
message = "Invalid option. Please choose 1 for Info or 2 to Subscribe.";
// Keep the same step to allow for re-entry
} else {
message = "Invalid option. Please start again.";
inMemoryCacheStep.set(sender.address, 0);
//Send the message
await context.send(message);
Run the app
Follow the steps below to run the app
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Go to the examples/one-to-one folder
cd examples/one-to-one
# Install the dependencies
yarn install
# Run the app
yarn dev
Set up these variables in your app
KEY= # 0x... the private key of the bot wallet (with the 0x prefix)
REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING= # the connection string for the Redis database
MSG_LOG= # true to log all messages